My name is Sarah and this is my journey

October 24, 2019

As one of the creators of Ethan the Fox, and a mother to two children I wanted to share with you my story which led onto many of the inspirations behind Ethan The Fox

This photo was taken only a few hours after my eldest little love was born. My head was spinning and I was struggling to comprehend what my body had been through. Yet, my heart was filled with so much instant, unquestionable love for this tiny human that Steve and I had created.

So much changed for me that day and the years that have followed. I loved becoming a mum and throughout all the challenges in early days, I survived.

You don’t always hear the bad stuff. The beauty and amazing process of pregnancy and childbirth is often shrouded by the joyous experience and the love of a new born. People forget to mention the painful breastfeeding for example, and how much of a failure you feel if it doesn’t work. This was one of many difficulties I experienced, and overcame professionals telling me it was the “right” thing to do. But it didn’t feel right all of the time. Yet again, I survived.

Then the teething game starts, oh the joys of this! Nothing really prepares you for this, seeing this little baby struggling with pain and discomfort. I searched high and low for a solution, which eventually led to the creation of our Ethan – you can read more about this here.

There are days that are filed with pure joy and there are days that are NOT. This is OK and I feel as parents recognising this makes such a difference (for support please take a look at this blog from MumsJourney)

It is OK that things are not perfect, your little love doesn’t care. They just need love and encouragement.

And through all of this, and as if motherhood wasn’t challenging enough, I decided that this was the moment to change career and embark on a new journey into running our own business.

The days are long, complicated and I find myself catching minutes here and there to get on top of the to do list, not daring not to sit down as the 2-year-old (littlest love) sees this as an opportunity to use me a climbing frame, I push on and I’m currently surviving (JUST).